Testimonianza Minipastorizzatore da Dubai


Grazie Carla per la tua preziosa testimonianza da Dubai sul nostro MINIPASTORIZZATORE. La macchina sarà utilizzata per la produzione artigianale di differenti tipologie di formaggi

"Hi Andrea,

thank you so much for the machine,it has made my dairy life so much quicker and just so much more simple! It's been very easy to use and to be able to teach staff how to use it! It's easy to clean and maintain and generally just a very well built machine! I would also say that the Spino should come with it as that also has made my life so much easier and such a clever piece of kit! Thank you again for such a great machine and service it's been a real pleasure dealing with you all!

Kindest regards,
Carla T.
D. Organic Dairy

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